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Beagles Aren't Easy.
Let me help!

Whether you are at your wits end and are looking for a resource to help you with your Beagle or you've adopted/bought a Beagle without Breeder support and you're wanting to start off on the right foot, I'm happy to help a fellow Beagle owner. 

Our breed is not easy.  and it comes with many breed-specific behavours that can be addressed and managed simply by understanding the root of the cause and why they are happening. 


With over 15 years of both professional dog training experience and running my own beagle breeding program, I may be able provide some initial help and relief with the problems you’re facing today or give you insight to help you as you make decisions about your dog training needs. 

In some cases, with learning how these hounds work, my advice may be immediately helpful if the owners are diligent in how to implement in their lives. In many cases,  it may result in having a few follow-up calls with myself to monitor progress and meet goals or being referring to a professional trainer in your area who can help with more challenging Beagles. 

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